David Moloney

Leader • Thinker • Technologist • Innovator • Speaker

I coach start-ups, scale-ups, founders and CEOs, and help them grow.

I help organisations understand & benefit from disruptive technologies.

“David has a great ability to grasp the often abstract, messy and nascent business models of start-ups, and to develop practical and commercial use cases.” —global sector leader


My signature strengths


“great deal of stamina…works hard…takes great satisfaction from being busy and productive”


“fascinated by ideas…able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena”


“creates alternative ways to proceed…faced with any given scenario can quickly spot relevant patterns and issues”


“has a great desire to learn and wants to continuously improve”


“inspired by the future and what could be…inspires others with vision”

(These are my five most dominant themes of talent, according to the Clifton StrengthsFinder)

Areas of expertise

Artificial intelligence

Board engagement

Cyber security

Disruptive technology

Market positioning

Structured innovation


Fellow, Royal Society for the Arts

B. Sc., Computer Science


+44 7799 134 617




Respected leader of high-performing teams

“You are a true leader and that is why we follow you.” —team member

Strategic thinker

“The business problem was complex; David provided critical strategic direction, qualifying the problem, corralling the [start-up’s] experts, and turned a highly technical document into a palatable, digestible proposal.”
 —team member

Disruptive technologist

“Excellent knowledge of the history of digital disruption, the current landscape and the context for why we need to change.” —client

Innovator and thought leader in technology and risk

“Challenged the team to take on different viewpoints and push the boundaries of traditional thinking.”  —team member

Keynote speaker, chair, panellist

“I have been to many, many sessions on AI and blockchain and David’s was by far the most educational & enlightening, really enjoyable.”

Key experience

Took selected use case (one of 8 theoretical ideas) from workshop, through proof-of-concept, through pilot, to production across the UK

“The reason the project is going well is down to excellent project management, talented developers/modellers, and clear/open lines of communication with experts.” —start-up’s CEO

Supported start-ups with market positioning masterclass, product/market fit analysis and business strategy

“This was by a very large margin the most coherent guide to market positioning that I’ve seen; really helpful in lots of practical ways.”

“The structure and focus brought by David has been great; only two weeks later we are already feeling the business impact!”

“David's advice and guidance has been crucial for us in developing several business ideas and even a new product.”

“We'd given the brochure to others (including professional copywriters) but the feedback we got from you was much more useful than all of them combined.”

“Thank you for your excellent and really helpful feedback improving our pitch.”
—founders and CEOs

Delivered business transformation through innovation workshops

“...helped everyone see the kinds of decisions we need to make and got them thinking ... truly sent a signal that this event was going to be unlike anything we had done before. I honestly cannot think of a better way.” —client global head

“It was a marvellously worthwhile use of my time…David was especially impactive on the diverse audience.” —participant

Led multi-year, multi-million-pound engagement delivering leading cyber security tools, research and thought leadership, including quarterly conferences and annual global congress

“The way he has managed a very difficult client, while maintaining dignity and grace, is truly inspirational.” —team member


My definition: Inspiring with purpose, supporting, making room.

“David has had a profound impact on me during my time at PwC.”

“David’s ability to listen with care and compassion, digest the information and advise by sharing his perspective…has added tremendous value to my personal and professional development. The value I’m taking is huge.”

 “Leads self and others in an authentic and inclusive way.”

—team members

(If you must, you can use the time machine to see my website from 2007; at the time I was rather pleased with the vintage jukebox buttons, the humour, and the secret page.)